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Contact number:029-89665751

Address: 19th Floor, Block C, Boyuan Science and Technology Square, Jiaotong University Science Park, No. 99 Yanxiang Road, Yanta District, Xi 'an City

    Zhongheng Company in Shangluo City Housing and Construction Bureau "double random, one open" supervision survey was awarded excellent enterprises[2022-07-19]
    A few days ago, Shangluo Municipal Housing Bureau conducted a double random, a public supervision survey on all commercial bidding agencies, and the Zhongheng company under the ecological company had excellent inspection results and was awarded the title of excellent enterprise by the Shangluo Municipal Housing Bureau and notified praise。 Zhongheng company itself...
    Listen to the party's words and feel the party's kindness with the party walk ecological company to carry out a series of activities of party building activities[2022-07-14]
    In order to meet the victory of the Party's 20th National Congress, further enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of Party organizations, and give play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members。The Party branch of the ecological company organized a series of activities for the Party building month with the theme of listening to the party's words and feeling the party's kindness。 Reading red...
    Ecological company trade union carried out "summer cool help flood control" to visit the staff activities[2022-07-13]
    Recently, our province continued high temperature, hot weather, ecological company trade union organized the summer to send cool help flood control staff condolences activities。On July 12, Ma Yongqiang, deputy general manager of the ecological company, and Ren Ziqiang, chairman and deputy general manager of the trade union, led the team to the sewage department of the Huanglong River in Luonan...
    Ecological company strictly and tightly grasp the work of safety production and go all out to create a good safety environment[2022-07-12]
    On July 11, the ecological company held a special meeting on safety production, using the form of online + offline to focus on the learning of the provincial SASAC "Emergency Notice on doing a good job in hot weather response" and the provincial Consumer Committee "on carrying out the 100-day attack on protecting Sanqin fire safety....
    The construction company held a project promotion meeting[2022-07-12]
    On July 8, the construction company held the first project promotion meeting in July by combining online and offline。Yan Liang, executive director of the construction company, presided over the meeting, and Ren Ziqiang, deputy general manager of the ecological company, attended the meeting。 The meeting heard from the project managers about the June project advancement...
    Ecological company conducts special training on financial reimbursement process[2022-07-08]
    In order to standardize the company's financial reimbursement process and improve employees' understanding of reimbursement work, Ecological Company carried out special training on financial reimbursement process on July 5, more than 40 people participated in the training, and the rest of the employees learned simultaneously online。 Training around the ecological company "financial reimbursement process and...
    Ecological company held the first half of the management analysis meeting[2022-07-05]
    On July 4, the ecological company held a business analysis meeting in the first half of the year, summarized the work in the first half of the year, analyzed the current situation, and arranged and deployed the work in the second half of the year。 The meeting informed the subordinate companies of the completion of the first half of the business objectives, listened to the company's operation and key work...
    The construction company held the June project promotion meeting[2022-06-30]
    On June 28, the construction company held the June project promotion meeting。Yan Liang, executive director of the construction company, presided over the meeting, and Ren Ziqiang, deputy general manager of the ecological company, attended the meeting。 The meeting listened to the work reports of the project leaders, focusing on understanding the project progress and funds...
    The Party branch of the ecological company carried out the "July 1" theme party class activities[2022-06-30]
    In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, carry forward the fine traditions of the Party, and further improve the determination of all Party members and cadres to forge ahead and start business, on June 30, the Party branch of the ecological company invited Ren Huilin, deputy director of the Party History Research Office of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, to speak...
    Ecological company held the second quarter discipline inspection work[2022-06-27]
    6月23日,Ecological company held the second quarter discipline inspection work,学习习近平总书记关于加强作风建设的重要论述,总结上季度纪检监察工作开展情况,传达本季度纪检监察工作要求。 At the meeting, relevant departments,...

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